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and progression of girls and boys with disabilities in communities reached by community partners in Beira, Búzi, Chibabava, Dondo, Gorongosa, and Nhamatanda. After cyclone Idai we supported people in need…


Community Development (DICD) projects are the backbone of our inclusive education programme. They dismantle discrimination and promote integration at the community level, empowering children with disabilities and their families and


…people with disabilities, with a focus on employability and entrepreneurship development.  We link people with disabilities to the labour market  We promote disability inclusion in public and private sector institutions. …


…mobilization strategies. We expand resources by training eye health teams, primary health workers, teachers, and village health teams to address and identify congenital cataract and other common childhood eye diseases. …

Burkina Faso

…or discrimination because of gender, disability, religion, ethnicity and social status.   To achieve this, we influence education sector policy and funding, infrastructure development and teacher training to better include children…

South Sudan

…roll-out of inclusive comprehensive sexual education for teachers and learners who are blind and deaf, particularly for girls. We support early childhood education by training Disability Inclusion in Community Development…

2021: The year in review

and affordable, through strategies devised hand-in-hand with the Ministries of Health & Education. Communication changes lives! What’s more, with funding from the Austrian Development Agency, we trained Mozambican police in…

Disability Inclusion

…We recognise and support the talents and potentials of people with disabilities, and we stand up for fundamental rights. We want to strengthen the rights and participation of people with…